Thursday, August 6, 2009

sad. sad days

Some days are awesome, some are boring, some rock, then again there are days that stink. A couple of days ago I had one bummer of a day. First I was working on my Cricut. (yeah for Cricuts!) I ordered a new program for my computer that enables it to cut out any true-type font and dingbat that I can find and put on my computer. (how awesome is that?) super fun!!! Well, I was working on yet another project, heck I was almost done (can you believe it?) I had to put it on the floor so that I could hook it up to my computer. Z-dog came in to give me a little present, then preceded to back out (Really? backwards?) he tripped over my Cricut and busted off the top. Sad. But I am proud to say that there was no blood shed or emotional scarring done to the 6 year old. It still kinda worked, I could still get it to cut out stuff. The Cricut may not look pretty, the screen hangs crooked, but it worked. (a little foreshadowing here?)

Well, The next day I wanted to start another project, but guess what, It was a no-go. The little machine just doesn't have it in it to cut. poor thing.

So, I moved on to another project. I wanted to finish sewing a little cover for feeding the baby. I was almost done when the machine broke. Not the needle, the under part. So sad. I finished the cover though and am pretty proud of it.

I do have hope that my mom may be able to help fix the machine. (yeah for Mommies!) And If the Cricut is officially out of order, maybe one day I may be able to get a new one (It's Bigger! It's better! It's 30% shinier)


  1. That is sad. My mom also has a Circut and she loves it. I don't know what she'd do if it broke though. Hopefully you'll be able to fix it soon.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your sad day. You guys are an amazing family and we miss you. We wish you were in our ward so that we'd have friends. :)
